India is as colorful and lively as I
remember it - although it's only been a few years since I last
indulged. Visiting flower markets and temples is most likely to
produce that impression because the spontaneous blending of
flowers, gods, and people is the notable measure of the pulse of
Worshippers appear at the temple to honor the gods with the
presentation of flowers and food. They commune with the god by
giving food and flowers to the priests and to the statues as
representatives of the god. The priest evokes the presence of
the god with flowers and food and fire and he blesses the people
with markings, flowers, and prasad. It's a joyous exchange.
Most of the photos I considered for the south india 2019
gallery are of people: the people of India seem to be better
than most in carrying their candor with them. The image of the
god, likewise, seems to say - to me, at least - "There's nothing
going on here that isn't going on there".